
Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, Spanish National Research Council

  • Country: Spain
  • Team: Helena Gómez-Macpherson, Luciano Mateos, Estela García-Ponce
  • Expertise: Multicriteria and multiscale analysis of sustainable irrigated agriculture in the Sahel; and in southern Spain in water user associations and the environmental problems associated to water management; participatory research and co-generation of knowledge, soil and water conservation, efficient use of water at plot and scheme scales and models to support it, deficit irrigation, benchmarking, empowerment of water-users’ associations and water governance.

Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis

  • Country: Senegal
  • Team: Sidy Mohamed Seck, Lamine Diop, Mariama Dalanda Diallo, Amadou Mouhamadou Ly, Boubacar Ly, Boubacar Ba, Sadou Nourou Sall, Cheikh Sadibou Sakho, Ibrahima Diatta, Yaye Deffa Wane, El Hadji Malick Sylla
  • Expertise: Integrated water resource management; Socio-economics and agronomy research, rural geography; participatory approach; co-innovation and adoption of technologies by farmers; Graduate and postgraduate students training.

Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles

  • Country: Senegal
  • Team: Djiby Dia, Cheickh Sadibou Fall, Madiama Cissé, Mamadou Sall, Ramatoulaye Ndiaye, Finda Bayo Diakhaté, Moustapha Mamadou Sall
  • Expertise: Water and crop management at plot level; supporting good agricultural practices to reduce yield gap at plot and subsequently farm level; analysis of value chains (cereals, vegetables, meat, milk).

Institut de Recherche pour le Dévelopment

  • Country: France
  • Team: Jean-Christophe Poussin, Georges Serpantié, Andrew Ogilvie, Didier Martin
  • Expertise: Participatory Action Research on agricultural systems and hydrology in West Africa; improvement of crop management at the scheme and lowland valley scale (crop calendar, not only rice); opportunities for crop diversification (with improvement of cropping intensity); farming and cropping systems management; water management, irrigation performances (farm modeling and hypothesis testing); hydrology tools for studying water resources at watershed scale; hydrology and remote sensing.

Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développment

  • Country: France
  • Team: Serge Marlet, Bruno Barbier, Jean-Louis Fusillier, Amandine Adamczewski
  • Expertise: Participatory Action Research; improvement of crop management at the scheme and lowland valley scale (crop calendar, not only rice); possibilities and opportunities for crop diversification (with improvement of cropping intensity) at the scheme scale; water management, irrigation and economic performances (Economics, Farm modeling and hypothesis testing); farming and cropping systems management; Risks assessment and adaptation through change in cropping pattern and calendars, water regulation; Economics of water infrastructure projects.

Savanna Agricultural Research Institute

  • Country: Ghana
  • Team: Edward Martey, Ramson Adombilla, Samuel Oppong Abebrese, Elaezar O. Krofa, Prince M. Etwire, Emmanuel Asibi Azibi, Saleem Lamini, Jonathan Agawuni, Askia M. Mohammed, Wilson Dogbe
  • Expertise: Participatory Action Research for improving water use, soil health, and technical efficiency of the cropping systems; System of rice intensification; Training of trainers in Good Agronomic Practices. SARI is an implementing partner in the AfricaRice-led Agronomy Task force activities.

University for Development Studies

  • Country: Ghana
  • Team: Gordana Kranjac-Berisavljevic, Bizoola Zinzoola Gandaa
  • Expertise: Water management and optimal use, management and training of water users’ organizations, women processing rice, co-innovation and co-generation of knowledge, gender and irrigation, training of graduate students. Past collaboration with the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and AFD (French Development Agency) in activities geared towards development of bunding technology for lowland rice, training farmers in bund construction, improvement of rice cultivation by transplanting and weed control.

Wageningen University & Research

  • Country: The Netherlands
  • Team: Erik van Slobbe, Iwan Supit, Emmanuel Nyadzi, Talardia Gbangou, Spyros Paparrizos
  • Expertise: Integrated approach across the water, food and energy systems at multiple spatial and temporal scales; use of hydrological and agronomical models; use of earth system observations and ensemble weather prediction; modelling analyses combined with participatory approaches; novel approaches such as adaptive water management and ecosystem-based adaptation, as well as the development of excellent, science-based water and climate information services, tailored to the needs and in interaction with users such as farmers and water managers.

Institut de L’Environment et de Recherches Agricoles

  • Country: Burkina Faso
  • Team: Korodjouma Ouattara, Idriss Serme, Louis Poulouma Yameogo, Ibrahima Ouedraogo, Elie Sauret, Aïssata Bama Nati
  • Expertise: Water productivity, integrated soil fertility management, fertilizer recommendation, agronomy, rice varieties improvement, innovation platform and water management; AquaCrop model for improving irrigation management at plot level; participation in international projects and with farmers and farmers’ associations.

Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari

  • Country: Italy
  • Team: Nicola Lamaddalena
  • Expertise: Capacity building, curricula design; gender and irrigation; AquaCrop model; coordination of international research projects and organization of specialized courses of different length and level, with particular emphasis on water resources and management in the Mediterranean region.

Associate Partners

Comité Inter-État de Lute Contre la Sécheresse au Sahel

  • Country: Burkina Faso
  • Team: Clement Ouedraogo
  • Expertise: Water economic for sustainable production linking technologies, farmers, farmers’ associations, capacity building and organization around water use; water management related to strategies and policies in sub basin level; CILSS leads the Sahel Irrigation Initiative Support Project (SIIP) in 6 Sahelian countries, funded by the World Bank.


  • Country: Spain
  • Team: Carlos Ramos García-Serrano
  • Expertise: Irrigation scheme design, construction and management in West Africa; Consultancy services in the water planning field.

HKV Consultants

  • Country: The Netherlands
  • Team: Marco Hartman, Dorien Lugt
  • Expertise: Advisory services to the World Bank, UNDP, private businesses, agricultural entrepreneurs and universities on improving water-management practices in the Volta basin.

Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el desarrollo

  • Country: Spain
  • Team: Ana Regina Segura
  • Expertise: The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) promotes smallholder-oriented irrigated agriculture in Mauritania, Senegal and other Sahelian countries. Solid experience in supervising EU large projects crop diversification and sustainable intensification of agricultural systems in Senegal and Mali.


  • Country: Spain
  • Team: Macarena de Leyva Manchón, Conchita Mira, Antonio Alvear, Javier Pellúz
  • Expertise: Services from the design and execution of storage, distribution and water supply work; Sustainable and integrated rice production system.
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