Tools & Guidelines

The WAGRINNOVA project can mobilize, adapt or develop tools and guidelines to generate and co-construct innovations with farmers.


A serious game to make a group of farmers think about irrigation management, the rules for distributing water between plots and the daily pumping time during the watering of the irrigation scheme.

Photo: «moulinette à eau» dont dispose chaque joueur et qui représente l’état de la lame d’eau dans sa parcelle


This software makes it possible to build a provisional calendar, at the scale of the irrigation scheme, of the cultivation operations for the next rice cropping season.

Photo: Parameter input screen to build a provisional calendar

DROP app

The DROP app offers smallholder farmers timely and location-specific forecast information on rainfall and soil moisture. The information combines forecasts based on local farmer’s knowledge with scientific/expert models and data.

Photo: DROP app interface showing soil moisture forecast for 7 days taking rainfall ad irrigation planning in account.

Rainsatapps Ghana, Senegal and Burkina Faso

These mobile applications provide improved rainfall estimates for the past 24 hours and forecasts for the next 3 hours to users from Ghana, Senegal and Burkina Faso.
Photo: Mobile application logo available on Google Play Store

Irrigation scheme water distribution 

Training tools to facilitate comprehension of the water delivery concepts and their implementation in schedules according to the delivery modality.

Photo: Canal guard watching the rotation in a small irrigation scheme in the Senegal River Valley


Windows program to calculate evapotranspiration, crop water requirements and the optimum irrigation amount. It takes into account crop and water characteristics, the prices of harvest, water and energy and irrigation system characteristics.

Photo: Logo of Windows program available at the website of Universidad de Cordoba, Spain


Software tool to calculate N, P and K requirement of crop rotations, fertilizer rates, acidification and nitrogen losses. The results are tailored to the location and the properties of your soil.

Photo: Mobile application logo available on Google Play Store and App Store

Sim DCN  

Simulation tool to support the design and management of the hydraulic water structure formed by contour bunds (DCN stands for Diguettes en Courbes de Niveau). Developed for rice-based lowlands.

Photo: DCN, Lowland system, Kankaniba, Burkina Faso

Optimal Design of Solar Irrigation System (ODSIS) Tool    

User-friendly tool for optimal PV-based irrigation solutions for small farms (off-grid and on-grid). It allows designing solar irrigation pumping system in all areas, and assessing their investment cost and their environmental impact.

Photo: Solar irrigation system coupled with a pressure irrigation system and a reservoir 

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